Cyber Security Project

Key Logger Spyware

A spyware application was designed as a semester project. It was purely designed using C++ programming language. Keystroke logging, often referred to as keylogging or keyboard capturing, is the action of recording the keys struck on a keyboard. So, a person typing anything on keyboard is unaware that his actions are being monitered.

Not only limitized to that, this application was also capable of mouse key detection. Number of clicks by any victim was countered and tracked. So, mouse actions can also be monitored without knowledge of victim. It can be launched at any desktop/ laptop without any interruption.

Application launched itself whenever operating system starts and starts logging activities of victim. It is an actively- monitering software application that tracks victim's logging and report back to launcher with those keys. It also keeps record of date and time at which those keys were pressed, so, it can act in an illegal way, that's why, this application was never launched but was made for study purposes only.